Thomas Franks Scotland offers a bespoke, localised and boutique catering service to schools and businesses. By opening Thomas Franks Scotland, we can highlight the exceptional Scottish produce and culture into our food offer whilst maintaining a formidable customer service.

Our values
Driven to Be Different
Thomas Franks Scotland provides the ultimate boutique catering experience, from offering exceptional customer service to preparing wholesome dishes using local and regional produce.
We are proud to work with some of the most established and recognised companies in Scotland. We provide dining services from grab and go concepts to fine dining for meetings and events.
At Thomas Franks, we are able to deliver a bespoke service to each of our clients, which stems from healthy but delicious menus, unparalleled customer service, and an innovative approach to all that we do.
We pride ourselves in working with local and regional suppliers, not only to support the local community but also to improve the sustainability of the company.
With schools being our original area of expertise, we are proud to work with some of the most prestigious schools in Scotland.
Nourishing pupils is at the heart of everything we do, that’s why we work alongside our in-house qualified Nutritionist to create bespoke menus to support the development of pupils and enrich their whole school experience.
We provide a food offer beyond the dining room by introducing educational initiatives to pupils such as healthy eating, the importance of sustainability, and mental health.

Case Study
St Leonards School
St Leonards School is an independent boarding and day school for pupils aged 4–19 in St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.
Thomas Franks’ focus when entering St Leonards was as ever, on providing excellent food quality at all mealtimes. Changes made to the service ensured that the menus and restaurant became chef led, adhering to principle values of Thomas Franks. Supply chains moved toward supporting the local community and this in turn allowed access to truly local seasonal produce, packed full of nutrition, flavour and colour.
Importantly, pupils were given the space to contribute their thoughts when in the process of developing the service by ensuring teams listened to feedback and delivered on the changes. This also established a nature of open communication between the team and school that Thomas Franks supports wholeheartedly.
Working closely with chef teams to curate a menu focusing on supporting the boarding community and ensuring authentic dishes from all around the world, without foregoing the popular homely traditional dishes, was an important focus. This regular communication improved the service as a whole, as the team worked closely to ensure that our Thomas Franks values were incorporated into St Leonards School.
Case Study
Belhaven Hill School
With around 110 pupils, Thomas Franks aim is to make food an integral part of the school day.
The food offer brought in by Thomas Franks supports the local community with the establishment of local and regional family-owned suppliers. Through carefully curated menus provided, pupils receive excellent nutritionally rich food options. With a focus on supporting developing minds and long-standing history supporting young athletes in nutrition Thomas Franks understands food enhances the school experience. This is never truer than with boarding schools. As such, curating a truly perfect boarder’s dining experience was a primary focus.
Thomas Franks new vision for Belhaven included a new counter and kitchen equipment that helped to enhance the dining experience. Offering 24/7 support from our Scotland team to keep within budgets, ensure clear finances, and the open book policy provides a clear honest relationship supporting the team in providing an exceptional service every day.

Case Study
Since winning the contract in September 2016, Thomas Franks have made positive changes to the food offer and supported the team to deliver improved food standards.
The food offer celebrates the amazing and varied local Scottish larder of, game, dairy products, fish, fruit, and vegetables which can be seen throughout breakfast, lunch, and supper menus on offer.
Extending the service provided to elevate the food offer to include match teas, governor meetings, and parent’s events meant that the team could support the school with any and all of its events. The complete redesign and restructure of the restaurant gave it a new identity and made it a fun place to meet and dine, focusing on healthy food as fuel for academic, sporting, and personal success.
To ensure a smooth transition, Thomas Franks utilised our TUPE process people plan. The dedicated HR team ensured all the training and support was openly available to all individuals in the team, to improve overall catering standards as well as individual career development opportunities. Thomas Franks’ emphasis on reassurance and our focus on training and support motivated the Loretto team to take pride in their work, especially when they received so many positive comments in response to the brilliant work they were doing, from the school’s management team, pupils, staff, and parents.
Who we work with
We create exceptional food for Business & Industries, Head Offices, as well as for Independent Education, whether it’s for day or boarding schools, senior or prep schools. We always provide freshly cooked, nutritious food, procured from high-quality local suppliers.