The Ethical Caterer of Choice
Thomas Franks has always been a company that pushes the boundaries of contract catering. ‘Fanatical about Food’, we deliver unique excellence, through establishing true partnerships with our staff, clients and suppliers.
We have stayed true to our original vision: a legacy business, family owned and run. Thomas Franks will always be about family – a family that includes all those with whom we work and partner.
Food is at the heart of what we do. We source with care and cook with passion. We are proud to have always supported local suppliers, building trusting and lasting partnerships.

Who we work with
We create exceptional food for Business & Industries, Head Offices, as well as for Independent Education, whether it’s for day or boarding schools, senior or prep schools. We always provide freshly cooked, nutritious food, procured from high-quality local suppliers.

Our mission is to deliver excellent catering services while minimising our impact on the environment. We aim to offer delicious and nutritious meals made from locally and ethically sourced ingredients in addition to reducing our carbon footprint and production of waste